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Friday, May 15, 2015

UGC-Social Justice-Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

1.  ………………are distinct forms of 'Justice' in Indian constitution.

     a)  Justice, empowerment, well being

     b)  Social, economical, political

     c)  Social, Psychological, emotional

     d)  Social, educational, judicial

2.  Social Problems are treated with Social reform and……………..

     a)  Social legislation.

     b)  Social work

     c)  Social science

     d)  Social service

3.  Social justice is the balance between…..

     a)  Individual's rights and social control

     b)  Society and individual

     c)  Fundamental rights and judicial system

     d)  Individual and family

4.  According to the Supreme Court of India, social justice….

     a)  as a living concept of revolutionary import

     b)  judicial mechanism

     c)  social control measure

     d)  Social defense

5.  The primary goal of a welfare state is to achieve

     a)  Social Justice

     b)  Freedom to all

     c)  Employment to all

     d)  Political justice

6.  The concept of social justice has emerged out of a process of……….?

     a)  Individual rights

     b)  Social practices

     c)  social norms, order, law and morality

     d)  Religion, caste and community

7.  The term social justice was first used in the year

     a)  1840                 b)  1856

     c)  1948                 d)  1950

8.  Social welfare policies were first introduced in India in the year_________.

     a)  1972                 b)  1951

     c)  1947                 d)  1851

9.  The term social justice was first used by

     a)  Sicilian priest, Luigi Taparelli d'Azeglio,

     b)  M. Gandhi

     c)  Dr. BR. Ambedkar

     d)  Raja ram Mohan Roy

10.     The concept of social justice is a ………which provides meaning and significance to life and
     makes the rule of law dynamic.

     a)  revolutionary concept

     b)  old age concept

     c)  young old concept

     d)  new concept

11.     justice' was used as equivalent to 'Righteousness'

     a)  true                       b)  false

     c)  partially true         d)  partially wrong

12.     What does Social justice denotes?

     a)  equal treatment of all citizens without any social distinction

     b)  equal distribution of wealth

     c)  equal participation of  women in politics

     d)  equal employment opportunities between men and women

13.     Which one of the following is called as a foundation stone of Indian Constitution?

     a)  Preamble              b)  Legislations

     c)  Articles                 d)  Social justice

14.     What was the percentage of literate people at the time of independence?

     a)  12%                      b)  14%

     c)  16%                      d)  18%            

15.     Minimum needs programme was introduced during the________.

     a.  fifth five year plan

     b.  second five year plan

     c.  fourth five year plan

     d.  sixth five year plan

16.     Which one of the following is not an objective of social justice?

     a)  To ensure that 'Rule of Law' prevails in society

     b)  To ensure equality of outcome

     c)  To prevent abuse and exploitation of weaker and vulnerable sections.

     d)  To form social legislations to onlymarginalized groups

17.     Match the followings

     a)  The principle of human dignity      i) demands of upholding and defending human dignity

     b)  The principle of     respect for                   ii)  all the conditions of society and the goods 

          human life      

     c)  The principle of rights and             iii) proscriptive and cautionary ways


     d)  The principle of the common good          iv) human beings are presumed to be free and  responsible



     a)  a-iii, b-iv, c-i, d-ii

     b)  a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii.

     c)  a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv

     d)  a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv 

18.     Distributive justice is combination of ......?

     a)  rights and duties

     b)  constitutional remedies and social system

     c)  social and economical justice

     d)  community and society

19.     When was the World Summit for Social Development held?

     a) 1999                 b) 1986

     c) 1995                  d) 2001

20.     Which summit was adopted the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action? 

     a)  World social justice summit

     b)  International summit for social development

     c)  World Summit for Social Development

     d)  World Summit for international justice

21.     The term weaker section, or backward classes are use for the people who are____________

     a)  socially or educationally backward

     b)  socially or economically backward

     c)  social or political backwardness

     d)  social or culture backwardness

22.     Which Articles in Indian constitution refers the concept of Distributive justice?

     a)  Articles 38 and 39

     b)  Articles 33 and 34

     c)  Articles 44 and 45

     d)  Articles 58 and 59     

23.     "The existence of opportunities for meaningful work and employment" is called as

     a)  Social equality

     b)  Social equity

     c)  Economical and social equity

     d)  Economic justice

24.     The term "The qualities on 'just' (or virtuous) man" is related …….?

     a)  Orthodox concept of social justice

     b)  Ancient concept of social justice

     c)  Neo-modern concept of social justice

     d)  Modern concept of social justice

25.     The term a 'just-society' is related to which one of the followings?

     a)  Orthodox concept of social justice

     b)  Western concept of social justice

     c)  British Indian concept of social justice

     d)  Modern concept of social justice 

26.     Which are the terms related to justice in ancient Indian tradition?

     a)  Charity and Dhanda

     b)  Dandaniti and Dharma

     c)  Village court and public justice

     d)  Labour and wage

27.     Which one of the following is related to 'Law and punishment' in modern notions?

     a)  Dharma

     b)  Dandaniti

     c)  Modern laws   

     d)  Legal enforcement

28.     ………… is another name of code of duties and justice in Indian tradition.

     a)  Dharma

     b)  Constitution

     c)  Rights

     d)  Fundamental duties

29.     State the two important approaches which are related Modern Approach for Social Justice?

     a)  Marxist and Liberal's approach

     b)  Social and economical approach

     c)  Legal and fundamental approach.

     d)  Marxist and social approach

30.     Liberal justice focuses on ………………..?

     a)  rights of individuals

     b)  rights of marginalized groups

     c)  rights of female

     d)  rights of old age

31.     Who developed the concept of   modern Liberal justice?

     a)  John Locke          b)  Max Webber

     c)  John miller      d)  Karl Marx

32.     Who was a pioneer of the movement for social justice in India?

     a)  M. Gandhi

     b)  J Nehru

     c)  Dr. B R Ambedkar

     d)  L B Shastri

33.     Which one of the following was not a Gandhian concept of social justice?

     a)  truth and non-violence

     b)  Ramrajya and Swaraj

     c)  Satyagraha and Trusteeship

     d)  Social and economical freedom

34.     According to Marxist approach of social justice, which is the source of injustice?

     a)  private ownership on the means of production

     b)  Public ownership on the means of production

     c)  Govt. ownership on the means of production

     d)  Kingdoms ownership on the means ofproduction

35.     According to Gandhiji which of the following is a safeguard for achieving individual freedom?

     a)  Decentralization of Wealth

     b)  Decentralization of power and authority

     c)  Formulation of effective social policies

     d)  centralization of power and authority

36.     Gandhi laid emphasis upon which of the followings?

     a)  Social equity         b)  Human equality

     c)  Human dignity          d)  Human equity

37.     International Women's year was celebrated in the year…….

     a.  1979                     b.  1978

     c.  1975                     d.  1976

38.     The Hindu Succession Act 1956 provides for women the right to...

     a.  Maintenance from husband

     b.  childless woman

     c.  inter caste marriage

     d.  parental property

39.     Which Act gives protection to women from being kidnapped and compelled to become prostitutes?

     a.  The Criminal Law Amendment

     b.  The Family Court Act

     c.  The Indecent Representation of Women

     d.  The Immoral Traffic Prevention Act

40.     In which of the year The Society registration act came into existence?

     a.  1960                 b.  1972

     c.  1971                 d.  1980

41.     In which of the year Tamil Nadu societies registration act came into existence?

     a.  1975                 b.  1972

     c.  1970                 d.  1852

42.     In which of the year Religious and charitable institution registration act came into existence?

     a.  1820.                b.  1920

     c.  1852                 d.  1475

43.     The term untouchable caste was made use of for the first time by which commission?

     a.  Simon commission

     b.  National commission

     c.  Kalalkar commission

     d.  The backward class commission

44.     Who is regarded as the 'Champion of Social justice.' In india?

     a)  M. Gandhi

     b)  Dr. B R Ambedkar

     c)  Dr. Rajendra Prasad

     d)  Jothiba Pule

45.     Ambedkar gives a significant place for……….?

     a)  Socialism

     b)  Liberalism

     c)  Moral equality

     d)  Mutual sympathy and respect

46.     For Ambedkar which one of the following is the source for concept of social justice?

     a)  Social legislations of western countries

     b)  Constitution of Ireland

     c)  French Revolution of 1789

     d)  Indian ancient views on social justice

47.     According to Ambedkar which are the three concepts of social justice?

     a)  Liberty, equality and fraternity.

     b)  Equity, liberty and equality

     c)  Socialism, Marxism and liberalism

     d)  Human rights, fundamental Duties and Social legislations

48.     Ambedkar has divided liberty into two categories which are those?

     a)  Social and Political liberty

     b)  Social and moral liberty

     c)  Civil Liberty and Political Liberty

     d)  Economical and social liberty

49.     What are the three basic opinions of Ambedkar regarding civil liberty?

     a)  Liberty of movement, Liberty of speech and Liberty of action

     b)  Liberty of work, Liberty of earn and Liberty of action

     c)  Liberty of blame, Liberty of speech and Liberty of education

     d)  Liberty of movement, Liberty of love and affection, and Liberty of action

50.     …………… is the foundation stone of Indian Constitution?

     a)  Social Justice

     b)  Social equality

     c)  Social equity

     d)  Democracy

51.     When was the constitution of India adopted?

     a)  November 26, 1949

     b)  November 26, 1948

     c)  November 26, 1950

     d)  January  26, 1949

52.     Celebration of Republic Day is related to which one of the following?

     a)  Adoption of Constitution

     b)  Adoption of UN declaration on Human Rights

     c)  Adoption and commencement of Directive principals of state

     d)  commencement day of Indian Constitution

53.     The Indian Constitution is the....................... constitution.

     a)  Longest            b)  Worst

     c)  Small                    d)  Different

54.     The Constitution of India is a living document, because it needs to be…

     a)  needs to be amended as and when required to keep it updated

     b)  make changes related women

     c)  to amend provisions related Dalits

     d)  to make people aware about recent changes in laws.

55.     State two important constitutional values embodied in the Preamble of Indian Constitution?

     a)  Human dignity, the unity and integrity of the Nation.

     b)  Religious and casteless society

     c)  Human value and Dignity

     d)  International affairs

56.     Match the followings

     a.  Sovereignty           i)   promoting social change to end all forms of inequalities.

     b.  Socialism        ii) government of the people, by the people and for the people

     c.  Secularism      iii) freedom to profess, preach and practice any religion

     d.  Democracy      iv) complete politicalfreedom and supreme Authority


     a)  a-iv, b-i, c-iii, d-ii

     b)  a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii.

     c)  a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv

     d)  a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv 

57.     Match the followings

     a.  Equality                i)  the Head of the State is an elected person

     b.  Liberty                  ii)  international peace & security and honorable Relations among nations

     c.  Fraternity              iii) equal treatment without any discrimination

     d.  International peace iv) Freedom of thought, expression and belief. just International order

     e.  Republic               v)   The spirit of common brotherhood.


     a)  a-iii, b-iv, c-v, d-ii, e-i

     b)  a-ii, b-i, c-iv, d-iii.

     c)  a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv

     d)  a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv 

58.     What is the main feature of the Indian Constitution?

     a)  Written Constitution

     b)  Traditional

     c)  Religious

     d)  Partial

59.     What are the constitutional values reflected in the Directive Principles of State Policy?

     a)  social and economic equality, elimination of social discrimination, international Peace

     b)  social and economic equity

     c)  national peace

     d)  national integrity

60.     What are the three distinct forms squeezed in  Preamble of Indian Constitution? 

     a.  social, economic and political

     b.  moral, social and cultural

     c.  social, religious and caste

     d.  ethnic, culture and political 

61.     Which article of Indian constitution Prohibits of discrimination on grounds of religion, race,
     caste, sex or place of birth.

     a)  Article 15         b)  Article 5

     c)  Article 25         d)  Article 12

62.     Article 16 is associated with ……?

     a)  equality of opportunity for all women

     b)  equality of opportunity for SC & ST category

     c)  equality of opportunity for all citizens only in education

     d)  equality of opportunity for all citizens

63.     Article 17 of Indian Constitution is related to which of the following?

     a)  Abolition of Untouchability and its practice in any form is prohibited

     b)  Promotion of practice of Untouchability

     c)  Abolition of discrimination

     d)  Abolition of gender equality

64.     Which article of Indian constitutes ensures  the fundamental rights of the citizens?

     a)  Article 44         b)  Article 15 

     c)  Article 19         d)  Article 18

65.     Fundamental rights against exploitation is given by which of the articles of Indian constitution? 

     a)  Article 44         b)  Article 15 

     c)  Article 23 & 24 d)  Article 14

66.     By which article of Indian constitution the right to property is given?

     a)  Article 45         b)  Article 10

     c)  Article 12         d)  Article 31

67.     Article 38 of Indian constitution is deals with which one of the following?

     a)  Promotion of welfare of the people

     b)  Welfare of marginalized

     c)  Welfare of NRI,s

     d)  Welfare of Small States

68.     Article 39 clause (a) of Indian constitution is squashed with which one of the following?

     a)  Free legal aid

     b)  Free legal education

     c)  Free social aid

     d)  Free legal books

69.     Which of the Article of Indian Constitution stressed maternity relief?

     a)  Article 42         b)  Article 39

     c)  Article 40         d)  Article 41

70.     "Ideal of the living wage" is promoted by which Article?

     a)  Article 39         b)  Article 40

     c)  Article 41         d)  Article 43

71.     Article 46 of the indian constitution is important one for SC,ST because …….

     a)  It promotes educational and economic interests of SC & ST's.

     b)  It promotes cultural and social interests of SC & ST's.

     c)  It promotes the Abolition of Discrimination

     d)  It provides to removal of untouchability

72.     What are the "trinities of Indian Constitution"?

     a)  Rights, duties and social laws

     b)  Social, economical laws and political laws

     c)  Social, cultural and ethnic equality

     d)  The Preamble, Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of State Policy

73.     What is the ultimate aim of trinities of Indian Constitution?

     a)  Providing social and economical security

     b)  Promotion of unbiased nation

     c)  Protection of interest of the citizen

     d)  Promotes the Socialistic Pattern of Society and Welfare State

74.     Fundamental Rights are……….and guaranteed.

     a)  constitutionally recognized 

     b)  Basic rights

     c)  Fundamentally allowed

     d)  Legally forced

75.     Which legal bodies have the power to enforce Fundamental Rights in india?

     a)  Parliament of india

     b)  President of india

     c)  The Supreme Court of India and State High Courts

     d)  Human Rights commissions



1   b   

2   a

3   a

4   a

5   a

6   c

7   a

8   a

9   a

10       a

11       a

12       a

13       d

14       b

15       a

16       a

17       a

18       c

19       c

20       c

21       a

22       a

23       d

24       a

25       d

26       b

27       b

28       a

29       a

30       a

31       a

32       a

33       d

34       a

35       b

36 b

37       c

38       a

39       d

40       a

41       a

42       b

43       a

44       b

45       d

46       c

47       a

48       c

49       a

50 a

51       a

52       d

53       a

54       a

55       a

56       a

57       a

58       a

59       a

60       a

61       a

62       d

63       a

64       c

65       c

66       d

67       a

68       a

69       a

70       d

71       a

72       d

73       d

74       a

75       c


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